
About | www.lennezulkiflly.com

Well, hello there!

I am Lenne :)

The lively editor, creative force, and the gal behind LENNE That Lifestyle Blogger a 20-something freelance writer, hobbyist and an avid tea drinker who spends a lot of time cozying up with feel-good movies, and snapping pics of the sky for my personal collection. When I’m not blogging, you will find me at Sisters & Brushes, where I run our small business with my little sis.

With sparkling wit and infectious enthusiasm, I created this blog for my own personal growth and it quickly became a treasure trove of musings and a place for me to share my sources of joy ✿

The blog:

I founded LENNE • That Lifestyle Blogger in 2015, jumping from two previous blogs deemed “unsuccessful” (or cringe, yes, you can say that). Here, you will find a world of happy and inspiring content—my journey towards a more fulfilling life. Join me as I explore new experiences, reflect on personal growth, and seek inspiration in everyday moments.

• Beauty talks, that mostly have a lot of affordable emphases
• Skincare, because #HydrationIsKey
• The Sunday Currently: featuring my current hopes and wishes in a very chill vibe
• I may not share this a lot but yes, I journal (more on that on IG!)
• Some thoughts about self-care because it’s essential in this day and age
• How I take nice photos every time and I’m not talking about having a full-on good DSLR 
• My blog series: The Tiny Treasures

All my love,