How I Relax After A Long Day

How I Relax After A Long Day

My head gets all fuzzy with stress, and sometimes I'm just drained. You know those days, right? When I'm feeling like this, I usually head home pretty annoyed and crash into bed right away. Honestly, I hate doing that. It's like I go to sleep all worried, and then the next day just brings more stress. I need more than just school, assignments, and sleep in my life. So, here's what I do to help myself feel better.

I drink something hot

I'm good with anything like tea, hot chocolate, or whatever. Smelling that warm steam helps clear my sinuses and makes me feel fresh. I like grabbing a big mug, wrapping my hands around it, blowing on it a bit, and sipping slowly as it warms me up.

I listen to music

Yeah, so, chilling with some tunes is totally my jam after a busy day. Seriously, nothing beats it. I just grab my phone, find some feel-good tracks or playlists, crank up the volume, and let the good vibes roll. It's like instant mood boost, you know?

I write 

Honestly, I think writing in my journal is great for sorting out all kinds of stuff in life, whether it's about relationships, stress, or work. Whenever I've got worries or problems, I jot them down, and it really helps me deal with them later on.

I work out 

When I'm feeling worn out and lazy after a long day, doing some cardio—not the shopping kind—really perks me up. It puts me in a better mood for the rest of the day, and best of all, it takes my mind off any worries for a bit. It's a total game-changer! Whenever I'm stressed, I just remind myself to sweat it out. 

Or sometimes, it's totally fine to just chill out somewhere cozy and do absolutely nothing. Our bodies need a break, you know? So, let's give ourselves that break. We can take all the time we need to focus on ourselves, think about the good stuff, and just let everything else slide. 

How do you relax after a long day? Have you tried the ways mentioned?


  1. Drinking hot, listening music & writing and i take a nap for hours hahaha. Yg lain jarangg =)

    1. Take a nap for hours tu always happen but i seboleh2 nya avoid naps ke sleep ke sbb bila i bangun i become more grumpy and mood tak stable je lol

  2. Drink something hot, reading a book and listen to music totally makes me better c:

  3. All on the list are my fave relaxation time. eehehe.

  4. Listen to music is very helpful!

    1. Ikr! I listen a lot of ariana grande and daniela andrade. Very soothing and calming 💕

  5. I wish I can add work out to my list... zety malas gila ni..bila relax means

    1. i like to just sweat it out sebab macam my mind kosong after a good workout hehee tidur pun sedap jugak but workout probably a good alternative lah lemak pun hilang :D
