How I Use My Aloe Vera Gel

How I Use My Aloe Vera Gel | Lenne Zulkiflly

So, have you heard about aloe vera? It's like this super cool plant that does wonders for your skin. I've been all about that healthy skin vibe lately, and aloe vera is my go-to. Seriously, it's my favorite skincare find ever. I'm totally obsessed with anything aloe vera because it's just amazing!

How I Use My Aloe Vera Gel | Lenne Zulkiflly

Here's the aloe vera gel I'm using now. I've totally been slathering on this huge tube! Got it from Guardian for RM20, and you can grab it there or online. Any aloe vera gel will do, even straight from the plant, but my skin adores this one! Aloe vera's got loads of benefits, and here's how I use mine:

Treating puffiness 

Aloe vera is super useful for reducing eye puffiness. I just grab some aloe vera gel and dab it under my eyes. It really helps, especially in the morning. Plus, the coolness of the gel gives me a nice wake-up boost.

Healing wounds

If you've got any scratches, blisters, or cuts (which happens to me a lot), just dab some aloe vera gel on them gently. It totally works—I've tested it out a bunch of times!

Soothe sunburn

Oh, I love using aloe vera gel for sunburns! It's so soothing and helps my skin feel better fast. I always ride a motorcycle to campus, so having aloe vera gel handy is a real lifesaver. I just slather it on my face, hands, arms, and feet, and bam, good bye sunburn!

A moisturizer 

You know, aloe vera gel can double up as a moisturizer. I've been using it as my go-to moisturizer for a while now. It works great for my skin. I've struggled to find the right moisturizer before, but this one seems to be doing the trick.

Are you a fan of aloe vera gel like me?


  1. Fatin pulak tak boleh sapu gel aloe vera tu kat muka banyak sangat, contohnya seluruh muka la. Ni pakai yang dari pokok lidah buaya tu. hehe sebab kat rumah fatin tanam pokok tu. Ada jugak dengar-dengar aloe vera gel ni boleh hilangkan parut jerawat. Tak tahu betul-betul berkesan atau tak. Belum konsisten pakai lagi. Hehehe :D

    1. Sometimes diff product works on diff people hehe. I have a friend that allergic to aloe vera gel, muka dia naik bengkak and keluar jerawat halus banyak gila. but alhamdulillah lenne dah pakai almost a year and memang tak pernah skip pakai day and night. it works wonders to me ^^ btw, best gila kat rumah fatin ada aloe plant! T.T

  2. Kena cari kat guardian ni. sebab jerawat ada muncul dah ni..
    good info. :)

    1. it is better to get it from the drugstore like watsons and guardian fyi :)

  3. Waa banyak jugak function aloe vera ni. Biasanya just sapu kat kulit yang menggelupas aje huhu

    1. aloe vera mmg multi function! you boleh search kat google if you wish to know more :)

  4. Menarik la entry ni! Tak pernah tahu boleh guna as makeup remover. Lepas ni boleh tryyy

    1. now you do :) sometimes makeup remover pun tak remove all of the makeup so I pakai aloe vera gel to remove the excess and what's left on the eyes la usually. Very good utk remove stubborn mascara tau haha

  5. totally agree with you honey! i've just currently started using nature republic's aloe vera gel and it works fantastically on my skin..i applied it on my face before night sleep and wow the cooling effect,i really love it ! ..

    1. I second that. I love to touch my face right when I wake up. Sooo smooth hihi

  6. can it be used as makeup base?

    1. Yes babe. Aloe vera can be used before applying makeup. Just apply a thin layer until it absorbs into the skin and your face will feel slightly tacky then just continue with your makeup routine :)

