My Blogging Sins

My Blogging Sins

Yesterday, I was savoring my mom's yummy nasi lemak, and out of the blue, it hit me like a ton of coconuts – all the blogger things I've never done AKA my blogging 'sins.' Let's be real, I'm no A-list blogger; I'm more like the rookie scribbler who's shamelessly breaking all the rules in the blogging playbook. 

I don’t have any white bedsheets/ marble background

White bedsheets, everything white and rose gold and marble, seem like the ultimate blogger trend now. I feel so guilty for not having one! I feel like I am not a true blogger unless I have those. If you did see my background is a marble, that's probably the floor in my house.

I don’t give a damn about SEO/ analytics

I judge the success of my blog by the sheer joy I get from writing it. You know, some people are all caught up in fretting about their precious domain authority and whatnot, but hey, it's your blog, and you're the captain of this ship! Personally, I couldn't give two hoots. Google Analytics and SEO? Those are like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube blindfolded in a thunderstorm – way too complex for my simple brain to fathom.

I don’t have a bullet journal

Everyone and their mother have a bullet journal. If you haven't come across bullet journals yet, just hop on over to Google and check them out. Now, personally, I don't roll with bullet journals for my blog stuff. I mean, sure, they're like this super-duper customizable tool that can handle your to-do lists, blog ideas, or even your doodle diary – you name it. I keep it simple with a regular old notebook, some colored pens, and some washi tapes to jazz things up. And guess what? It gets the job done just fine, so I'm all good.

*UPDATE: I have one now for my own creative outlet and I LOVE IT! Tap here for my bullet journal entries!

I have unstable blogging niches

I'm totally into all things beauty, and I've been sharing a ton of beauty-related content lately because, well, it's my jam! But you know what? Even though I'm head over heels for all things beauty, there are those days when I'm just like, "Ugh, do I really have to talk about lipstick again?"

It's a constant rollercoaster ride trying to find my groove in the blogging world, especially when you're diving deep into the glamorous universe of beauty. Seriously though, if you're not currently adding beauty products to your cart, are you even doing the whole beauty blogger thing right?

I don’t have a DSLR

I'm rocking this blogging game with just my trusty Samsung Galaxy S4, no fancy equipment for me! I don't think I need a camera, Photoshop, or studio lighting – it's all about that DIY-ing with my phone's camera and natural light. Sure, I've considered getting a professional camera, but for now, my Galaxy S4 is enough. Who knows, maybe one day I'll splurge on one, but for now, I'm doing just fine with what I've got.

I am domain name-less

I gotta real with you, having your own domain name is like the ultimate blogger flex, you know? It's like telling the world, "Yeah, I mean business with this blogging thing." Right now, I'm rolling with, but trust me, if money wasn't my arch-nemesis, oh honey, I'd go all out for my blog.

Do you commit to any of these blogging sins too?


  1. my sins are almost the same with yours TT_TT

    1. sisters! haha money and time are probably my enemies though *sigh*

  2. Hi pretty,

    nice write up...
    I have all your "sins" but don't consider it as sins except #5

    I'm a cheapskate too! I'm not going to spend money on my blog too ...hahaha later tak tahu lah...

    1. i don't like spending on something yg intangible omg T.T tunggu lah bila i jadi millionaire nanti hahaa

  3. Samalah.. masih lagi menggunakan blospot..
    Hp adalah alat yang selalu digunakan untuk ambil gambar dan update post..

    1. macam ni jelah nampaknya, i'm not going to have my own domain anytime soon haha. and yup, most bloggers pun still using their phone's camera to take lots of pictures for the blog. good lighting is all you need ;)

  4. hahahaha...still have some of the 'sins'..

    1. can't seem to run away from it though, sofie hahaa

  5. I think I have all of 'sins' lenne xD

    Thinking to have my own domain name because is too long to type haha but I spent too much money since last month, maybe next time or next year :)

    1. i'm dying to have one. it looks professional though but i'm so broke hahaaa

  6. Pendapat Mrs. A ok jer takde domain sendiri.
    Mengambil contoh cik epal dan hanis zalikha walaupun they both blogger fofular tapi still guna

    1. hehe personal preferences lah kan Mrs. A. takda domain sendiri pun okay but nampak lebih professional and it shows the seriousness kita dlm berblog :)

  7. I hate SEO google analytic whatsoeverrrrrr thoooo .

    1. ikr!! it's the most confusing thing in the world

  8. This is so true, haha. I can relate so much. I do not own any white bedsheet or marble background either xD I just love to keep it fresh with the interesting fabrics on the clothings and stuff :)

    And not only this. All of them are true for me, haha ◡‿◡✿

    Blog de la Licorne

    1. I'm so happy I'm not the only one haha! Thanks for reading, babe xx

