Brow Routine: My Idea Of Perfect Brows

I've realized that doing your brows isn't as easy as it seems! It's way trickier than people think. But with practice and a bit of patience, you can totally nail those 'perfect brows'. Seriously, it's just a few simple steps.

People are always asking me about my brows, how I do them, and giving me compliments. Honestly, I don't have many brow hairs, so I used to feel super insecure when I didn't have them done. But then I discovered makeup and realized it's my saving grace.

I watched tons of tutorials to learn how to do them and just practiced like crazy. So, I figured I'd share my step-by-step routine with you all and maybe throw in some tips and tricks. Here we go!

Brow Routine: My Idea Of Perfect Brows

Step 1: Brush them up 

First things first, I will brush the eyebrow hairs in an upward motion with a spoolie brush. I usually do this step to see where they need filling in and from there I will notice where I have to trim and pluck. And this brings me to my second step.

Step 2: Pluck the stray hairs (optional)

After that, I move on to plucking any stray hairs. I don't go too crazy with the tweezers, just enough to keep things neat. Trust me, it's not as painful as it sounds once you get used to it.

Step 3: Shading them

I start from the middle of my brow with a slim liner pencil, like my Silkygirl Expert Brow Slim Liner. Then, I fill them in with short strokes for a natural look.

Brow Routine: My Idea Of Perfect Brows

Step 4: Powder them up 

Powdering comes next, using my trusty Maybelline Fashion Brow 3D Brow and Nose Palette. I use a small angled brush to lightly define my brows, being careful not to go overboard.

Brow Routine: My Idea Of Perfect Brows

Step 5: Brush and conceal

Once that's done, I brush through my brows again to blend everything together. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll clean up the edges with some concealer. But honestly, it's optional and I often skip it if I'm short on time.

Step 6: Set the brows 

Finally, I set everything in place with some brow gel. Benefit Gimme Brow is my go-to for this step. It helps keep my brows in place all day long, even through the craziest of days.

And that's it! You really don't need fancy products or complicated techniques to get good brows. Just a few basic steps and you're good to go. Hope this helps!

*Some links used in this post are affiliated links.

Do you have a brow routine?


  1. I'm still didn't know how to have a perfect brows. I usually just fill them in with the eyebrow powder and top it with brow gel. I think I need to learn and practice doing my brows more 😊

    1. this is just how i do them, some people might feel that it's too much but it's okay for me hehe. anyway, just look up tutorials on youtube girl! that's what i did :)

  2. My brow routine simple je. Fill brow dengan Silky Girl Hi-Definition Brow Liner then brush pakai berus belakang dia tu. Lepas tu, kalau rajin conceal (concealer kita sama lol). Kalau tak rajin, biar je selekeh pastu perasan dah cantik hahaha

    1. i really wanna try that one pulak. i dah pakai yg pencil, and this one yg retractable and might wanna try the one you mentioned hehe. concealer ni lasts me forever sbb i pakai specially for my brows only lol it's great though

  3. I really do quick on my eyebrows.. I dont like to make it look too artificial

    Just filling with brows powder n blend it. Just that.

  4. I never draw my eyebrows because I don't think that I really need to touch it up. Was thinking to try it once but I don't wanna ruin my eyebrows T_T

    1. if you are bless in that department, don't ruin them. embrace them! :) maybe you can send hairs to me pls i can use some hahaha

  5. I tried draw my eyebrow ONCE and I thought I look like sin chan and wouldn't ever be able to do better job so I just didn't do it anymore. I really want to learn though :(

    1. it takes a lot of practice girl :) and i learned from the best, that is youtube haha

  6. My friend used to draw mine once but then, it did not make much noticeable difference so for now, i let my eyebrow free.. Perhaps later I would try it again.. XD

    1. yeah just keep experimenting until you found the one matches. it requires a heck lot of practice and patience :)

  7. recently, my sister bought a eyebrow pencil(?) and i did tried to use it and do some shading. after that, i brush them, its looks so weird XD

    1. keep experimenting BV! you'll become an expert in no time :)

  8. I seriously neglect my brows, I luckily have quite thick brows, so a trip to get them waxed every month and trimmed is all they really need. If I do want to intensify them I will put some brown eyeshadow over them - but I don't actually own any proper brow products!

    Erin || MakeErinOver

    1. Aw lucky much? You don't have to spend so much time on your brows then because brows always take the longest! lol

  9. sy conteng sikit bagi sama gelap, sbb bulu x sama rata tumbuh, pastu conceal je bg kemas..hahah

    1. i wish my brow routine can be that simple haha sebab lenne memang takda banyak brow hairs but banyak stray hairs T.T
