Blogging Backlog: Peek Inside My Ideas

Life has been a bit of a whirlwind lately, and between you and me, finding time for my blog has been a real challenge. School is seriously no joke—it's like this all-encompassing force taking over everything! 

It's not that I'm grappling with some major blogging slump; it's just getting tricky to string my thoughts into coherent sentences these days. Distractions seem to find me wherever I go, especially when I'm trying to jot down a new post. Blame it on my ever-present housemates – they're the champions of good timing (not).

Enough rambling! Anyway...

I've noticed some bloggers doing this cool thing where they list ideas or posts they're itching to write and ask their readers which one they'd like to see next. So, guess what? I'm totally stealing that idea! Hopefully, these ideas resonate with you, awesome people!

Blogging Backlog: Peek Inside My Ideas

  • Movies that have a special place in my heart
  • A list of my daily essentials [POST]
  • Collective haul - beauty edition 
  • 15 blogging facts about me [POST]
  • Stationery haul + favorites 
  • 30 beauty questions tag
  • That 1 eyeliner I will always repurchase [POST]
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ) [CLICK HERE]
  • Beauty products I hate [POST]
  • Collective haul - lifestyle edition [POST]
  • My simple + fresh face makeup look
  • Beauty products I have been eyeing on [POST]
  • Top 5 blogs I just can't get enough of 
  • An anti-bucket list - a list of things I would never do before I die
  • My brownies recipe! [POST]

Do any of them catch your interest? I'd love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Let's chat about it and make sure these posts don't end up just hanging out in my drafts! xx


  1. blogging facts and beauty products I hate please.

    I've been reading your posts but my mind went blank when I try to comment lol

  2. Daily essentials, collection beauty and stationary haul, beauty products you hate. All of this is so interesting! Pls do make a post about as i am eager to read hehe

    XX Atheera | XX

    1. aw thank you Atheera! will write them all, in sha Allah ❤

  3. I think, anything that related to numbers like 15 blogging facts, 30 quests will totally attract more people & it will be easier!

  4. Everything about beauty please! XD

  5. Wow, already have a nice post title, keep writing ya...

  6. Its really good if u make a list post early..:)

  7. An anti-bucket list sound interesting! Heheh

    1. i've been meaning to write that one for ages! haha

    2. Agree! Would love to read about this! :D

      anyway, hiiiii pretty. I think it's my first time here(?) ^^

    3. hi! will definitely do xx i guess it's your first time but i've visited your blog quite a lot actually haha!

  8. Can't wait for the brownies recipe nyum!
    anyway I couldn't find ur chatbox, mind exchange link with me :D

    1. wait for it! it could be up on here anytime soon hihi xx oh ya i deleted my chatbox, sorry 'bout that! of course :)

  9. i love everything about haul and lists :D

  10. All of 'em sounds great! I legit can't wait to read them

  11. "Beauty products I have been eyeing on"

    Would love to read this topic :) <3

    1. i've been doing a lot of research hihi wait for it! xx

  12. DO ALL PLEASE <33333 XXX

    1. i legit can't wait to start writing them too! haha xx

  13. Can't wait for them especially everything on beauty and these two :
    Top 5 blogs I just can't get enough of
    An anti-bucket list - p/s : I might do this one too, pleasee let meh XD

    1. yeah you are free to write whatever you want gurl! hehe xx

  14. I just realized that lisitng posts to write is a thing and surely, I need to do this as well. Looking forward for all the updates.

  15. Everything about beauty products pleasee :) Sebab sekarang, siqah dah ke arah mekap gitu. Muahahah.

  16. Yes yes . I'm looking for you to post about " my simple and fresh makeup looks " .

    Sebab nadia baru je nak menjinak2 kan diri dgn makeup nie kan and i like a simple makeup , so yeah will wait for you to post about it . =)

  17. great ideas!

    Hey i just dropped by here..feel free to visit me sometime maybe? :)
