My Current Favourites #4

Read all of my previous favourites here! <3

My Current Favourites #4

Hello, gorgeousness! Now that it's February (like finally, January feels like it lasts 365 days!), I wanted to share some of the things I really love lately. Although January was just decent for me, I tried heaps of new stuff and I have a variety of favourites covering lifestyle, beauty and some fun entertainment this time around. So here goes!

Book Lovers by Emily Henry

Does anyone go through phases of them being in a massive reading slump and then when they start reading again, they start 4 books all at once? Just me? Okay, cool. LOL. Anyway, yes I read actual books. My sister, she sparked something in me to want to read again. And I was so glad this is one of my first picks. I've always been a romance book kind of gal and this book was the best intro to Emily Henry. The story itself was cute, raw, and heart-melting and then it goes deep. UGH, I love that. It made me feel lots of emotions in one sitting. I'm so stocked to read her next ones!

COSRX Advanced Snail 92 All-in-One Cream

So, I tried the popular snail mucin cream for the first time, on my oily, hormonal, acne-prone and just all-round complicated skin. I honestly think if my skin could talk, it would tell me to stop experimenting with new skincare all the time but too bad it can't so here I am.

I don't know why this took me by surprise but this cream is so freaking slimy and goopy. I have to collect myself before I can dip my fingers into the cream and slap it on my face. 

Besides that whole shebang, the cream feels hydrating and weirdly enough it isn't sticky. It feels great, to be honest. I was scared that it was going to be a tad bit heavy on my skin and I was going to wake up with lots of tiny bumps but it didn't. I'm loving it so far! Let me know if you want an in-depth review of this snail cream because I could totally do that.

My new room colour palette 

It's 2023 and I'm ready for another home project! My room is the first since it's where I spend most of my time and it's my happy place. As I get older, I noticed that my taste in overall home decorations has changed immensely.

From wanting everything white and marble, to everything warm, neutral and cozy. I really wanted to add more colours and life to this space for the longest time so this transition felt really good to me. It's actually better than I envisioned. I thought I'd share the colour palette so you can have a little peek! It's going to look different depending on the device you're using but it is what it is. 

My new room colour palette

Miracle: Letters To The President

I watched this Korean movie with absolutely no clue about the plot and where it was going to take me. It's a *very* touching story about the dream and determination of a genius high school student writing multiple letters to the President of Korea for authorization to add a train station at his remote village off the railway track for the safe travel of his fellow villagers.

And let me just say, it caught my attention until the end and it didn't disappoint. One minute my heart was full and then I sobbed, my heart was broken to pieces and I CRIED BUCKETS. Please prepare your tissue beforehand, you've been warned.

I know it's only February but I think this is one of the best films I've watched in 2023. Mark my words. Nothing can top this for now. It's wonderfully written with real and raw characters that just add up to the rollercoaster of emotions stirred by the film.

It's one of those movies that'll make you think about it for days and you just can't shut up about it. I don't want to give out any spoilers here, you NEED to watch it for yourself. I can vouch that it's so good. Truly, a splendid movie. 

Playing money games

It's no secret that I'm a huge fan of browser-based games. I think I've talked about this before somewhere on my blog. I've been playing browser-based games since I was probably 10. Tell me you're a creature of habit without telling me you're a creature of habit, aye?

I like playing these types of games during my idle time. Mostly when I procrastinate on my work (I don't condone this habit though), or I just want to pass the time OR I want to fascinate my 8-month niece with moving objects and colourful screens haha.

I have loads of tabs open for playing games but right now I'm obsessed (my niece included) with playing money games! If you ask me, what is my favourite game to play, I HAVE TOO MANY. But if were to pick one, Grocery Cashier is so freaking cute and easy to play. It takes me back to when I was a kid, my favourite role-playing game is pretending to be either a mother or a cashier. So when I saw this game, I just had to click and play and it didn't disappoint.

Grocery Cashier game on

Another favourite of mine is the Supermarket Numbers game. It's basically an arithmetic practice game. While my least favourite subject at school is Math, I just love to challenge this brain of mine and see if I can add, subtract, multiply or divide numbers fast enough WITHOUT the help of a calculator. And to be honest, I didn't suck at all. I'm actually impressed. Or maybe it's just a good day to have a lucky day.

Supermarket Numbers game on

Another game that I love playing is the Idle Money Tree game. It's a no-brainer type of game and doesn't require much of my attention. I just click the money bags as they appear on the tree to collect them. My niece loves to see me clicking those money bags and seeing all the bright colours. It's so fun and it's auntie-niece-approved!

Idle Money Tree game on

What have you been loving lately?

