Life Lately Behind The Blog

Life Lately Behind The Blog

Well, hello over there! Apologies for my absence from the blog lately. It's been a hot minute and I just wanted to chit-chat about what's going on in my life these days. It's kind of like a life update because I notice it's been ages since we had a run-down about what's been going on in life like I used to do with my Five Things series. I used to overshare a little bit of my personal life but then life happened and things got busy and things like personal updates got left behind. 

I know I don't need to do this but hey! I'm here now and I want to bring back these kinds of posts because it's genuinely fun. Hopefully, I won't bore you too much though. But if you're curious, here's a little bit of where I am now ♡


Some of you may know that in addition to blogging and content writing, I have a side hustle that I run with my little sister. I work 24 hrs (jk not really) in a day and my job scope consists of filming content, bookkeeping, product planning, lots of photography, packing orders, networking and social media, customer service, market research and honestly, I could go on but you get the picture. 

I learned a lot about running my own business. My days are never the same, they are filled with lots of logic, emotions and a sprinkle of magic. Lately, we have been blessed with new orders popping in and our own community that is so supportive and welcoming. And we hit 15.5K on Instagram today ahh it's so surreal! I don't even know where all of these cute people come from. It's been an amazing experience and I'm so glad I stepped way out of my comfort zone and left my 9-5 job to tackle this job. I've grown personally in more ways than I can ever explain.


These days, I'm much more inclined to be a homebody. I'm not saying I don't go out at all, I do but it's mainly me running a bunch of errands with A (my partner) and going to our favourite places on earth. Not really sure if this has something to do with all the lockdowns but going to lots of events isn't something I feel passionate about anymore.

I noticed that I'm also more mellow, more content to work at home and felt more chilled out about not going out as much. I would rather conserve my energy for something else that I can truly do my best work on and prioritize my mental health and well-being. Never knew that working from home changed me for the better! I know this is not everyone's cup of tea but I've been loving sipping THIS cup of tea <3


What's going on on the blog front these days? It's honestly been tough to keep up lately! I'm trying my best to post at least once a week during this busy time and will try my best to keep that up through the next crazy few months. Also, I can't really continue my Five Things series, simply because I'm not feeling it as much anymore. I may consider bringing it back again but for now, it's on hold. Also also, I'm thinking of getting a new template for my blog but I'm seriously contemplating it. I love my current template but I just wanted a change. Let me know if I should take the plunge!


I'm in my third year of low-buy! I totally crushed my first year in 2021, you can read the whole thing in this post. I didn't document any for my second year though, don't know why I did that but what I can tell you is that it was also a success. I didn't have big purchases along with impulses so that's always a good thing. Of course, I'm gonna continue good habits with spending and saving. That's what the whole of intentional living is about!

So that's about it, in a nutshell. Thank you so much for reading this life update. My next post will *hopefully* be something about Eid because it's obviously the Eid celebration season, so that's that. It felt so good to connect with you guys and that I let you know about what has been happening. Have a great weekend, my loves ♡

What have you guys been up to lately?

