From Pajamas to Productivity: A Peek into My WFH Routine

Do you often find yourself craving the comfort of your home, surrounded by the things you love, while you tackle your daily tasks? Well, that's precisely the life I lead as a freelance writer and proud owner of Sisters & Brushes, my small clay business. Join me as I walk you through a day in my work-from-home routine that's working for me at the moment!

A Peek into My WFH Routine

Disclaimer: This is my personal daily groove that fuels my freelancing and small business hustle. Of course, this isn't a strict routine (except for spoon-feeding my cat) and I'm often switching things up – so let's vibe without the "one-size-fits-all" doubt, okie-dokie? Thank you very much.

10:00 AM – Rise and shine (sort of)

I'm not exactly a morning person as of now, so my day kicks off around 10 AM. Let's be real, who needs the sun when you have a cozy blanket and a comfy bed? The first order of business? Graciously spoon-feeding my furry baby. Priorities, right?

10:15 AM – Morning ritual

I'll then have a refreshing shower, followed by my simple yet essential skincare lineup - a gentle face wash, a rejuvenating serum, a hydrating moisturizer, and the all-important SPF armour. Before diving into work, I steal a moment for some snuggles and smooches with my furry baby. Additionally, I take a delightful detour to pour my thoughts onto a few journal pages, ensuring I'm setting sail on the right course for the day ahead.

10:45 AM – Dive into the writing zone

Armed with a cup of freshly brewed inspiration (read: tea), I'm ready to tackle my freelance writing projects. Whether it's crafting captivating blog posts, weaving compelling narratives, or conjuring up a persuasive copy for various clients, my creative juices somehow flow best during these morning hours. Plus, there's something oddly satisfying about being productive while the rest of the world just woke up (kind of).

1:00 PM – Business mode: Sisters & Brushes

After a few solid hours of writing, it's time for me to shift gears. Sisters & Brushes, my beloved clay business, beckons. During this time, I usually handle order management, photography, social media updates, and lots of inquiries. Meanwhile, my sister rolls up her sleeves and lets her artistic talent flow, sculpting unique clay pieces that leave our customers in awe!

Other than that, when we've got an Instagram post scheduled for 8:00 PM later, you can bet I'll have that caption all set to roll by then. I will extract those words straight from my noggin around this hour, crafting a somewhat killer caption that's just right for our audience ^^

5:00 PM – Date!! <3

Life isn't all about work, right? In the late afternoon, I always make time for a mini date with my significant other. We step outside, leaving the world of screens and keyboards behind, and head to a local eatery to grab something I absolutely love eating. It's a cherished tradition that adds a sprinkle of excitement to my day and reminds me of the importance of balance.

7:00 PM – Cat duty round 2

Just when you thought I only had writing and administrating stuff on my plate, Mr. Whiskers reminds me of his dinner time. It's a full-time job, this cat-pampering business, but someone's gotta do it, right?

7:15 PM – Back to the writing desk

As the evening sun starts to paint the sky in warm hues, I return to my writing haven. Whether it's an urgent client email or a final edit on a long-awaited write-up, these hours are dedicated to refining my craft. The quietude of the late afternoon fosters focus like no other.

8:50 PM – Sisters & Brushes wrap up

Evenings are when the Sisters & Brushes world comes alive. My sister and I discuss the day's progress, some future projects, and swap creative ideas. This sisterly bonding time adds an extra layer of magic to our small business endeavours.

Amidst the creative brainstorming session, we normally seize this moment to meticulously assemble orders for our customers. Occasionally, it might be a flurry of 10 packages needing our expert touch, while on different occasions, it could be the artful packaging of a lone, special parcel. This, my friend, encapsulates the joy and equilibrium that come with running a humble yet thriving small business!

10:00 PM – Final writing sprint

As the clock ticks towards midnight, I embark on my final writing sprint. There's something oddly satisfying about those late-night hours when the world seems quieter, and the words flow effortlessly onto the screen. It's as if my keyboard and I are in perfect harmony.

My furry baby loves to keep me company in my workspace, especially during the hours leading up to his bedtime with me. It's truly adorable how this time often transforms into a delightful blend of belly rubs, cozy snuggles, and the occasional keyboard typing session – a perfect balance between work and play if you ask me!

12:30 AM – Lights out

With a sense of accomplishment, I bid adieu to my computer screen and call it a night. It's time for a well-deserved rest, knowing that I've poured my creativity into both words and clay stuff throughout the day. I love to sneak in some "me-time" magic during this time too, indulging in a pampering session with my favourite sheet mask just before I snuggle into bed. Once I've treated my skin to a minimalist night-time skincare routine, I'm all set to cozy up!

So, there you have it, a glimpse into my hustling and bustling world as a night owl freelance writer and small business owner. Until next time, fellow gorgeousness! Keep chasing your dreams, sipping on creativity, and making your days uniquely yours :)

*Some links used in this post are affiliated links, which allows me to earn a small commission when you buy the product using my link. No commission is earned through clicking links. I'm not being paid to mention any specific brand in this post. Thank you for supporting the content that makes my blog possible.

Tell me, what's your favourite part of working from home?


  1. I am terrible at working from home. The distractions never let me get in the zone for work!

    The Reluctant Blogger |

    1. Aw sorry to hear that. It do be like that sometimes aha!

  2. My fave part of working from home is that I can work while looking unattractive and in my pyjamas. haha =D

