Bio-Essence Miracle Bio Water

Hello you guys! I know, I know. It's been ages. Regardless, I'm back with a beauty-ish review. Side note, I'm currently in my lovely homeland (read: Sabah. Yup, finally.) and I'm pleased to say I have so much time here and I think Imma dedicate a huge percentage of it to blogging. I miss blogging so much! I miss my blogging peeps too, I hope you're all in the pink of health.

Bio Essence Miracle Bio Water | LENNE ZULKIFLLY

Anyway, back to the review. I'm going to say it right now, it's really a miracle! Why? I'll tell you in a bit. But, what leads me to buy this product all of a sudden? It was my sister. She introduced me to this spray and I immediately like it and went to the drugstore to buy it for myself. I'm in my third bottle right now. Yes, it has become a staple in my bag so I think it's good enough for me to give you guys a review and my experience using the Bio-Essence Miracle Bio Water spray.

Bio-Essence Miracle Bio Water spray retails for about RM32 for 100ml (maybe a bit cheaper or pricier depending on which drugstore you get them) and it also comes in a mini travel size that retails about RM6.90 for 30ml.

I usually do a little spritz after I apply my moisturizer and after I'm done with my makeup which removed the excess makeup on my face and made my skin less dry. Actually, there's no right or wrong way, just do it whenever you feel like you need a little hydration.

Bio Essence Miracle Bio Water | LENNE ZULKIFLLY

I felt how my skin instantly became more hydrated every time I used it, the spray left my face feeling much cooler and cleaner. It has the best mist and refined spray! The spray is continuous like an aerosol spray and I'm very much loving it. I also love the fact that this spray has the lowest salt content in it and we are all aware that salt has been used tremendously to preserve things. That being said, it will eventually dry your skin out after every application. Bio-Essence Miracle Bio Water spray has the lowest salt content in it which resembles maximum hydration! Ugh, major love.


Instant cooling effect
Prolong makeup wear
Also comes in a travel size for your convenience
Doesn't break me out
'Cleans' the face
Works great on sensitive skin
Easily accessible and affordable
Left the skin dewy and healthy-looking

I can't think of anything bad about this product except that sometimes the spray may be broken which leads to poor mist and I hate that. But that's about that. Overall, I really like it. It's really gentle on the face and it won't cause you breakout because it's hypoallergenic. If you're looking for a refined spray, affordable and won't cause pimples, definitely give this one a try.
Have you tried this spray? Do you like it?


  1. I've tried this spray and it's so amazing! memang cooling effect dia perh segar terus gitteww XD

    1. Kan!! Memang suka gila spray ni sometimes suka spray lebih lebih loll

  2. Tak pernah cuba lagi produk macam nie.. Cam menarik je..

    1. Aah memang best pakai. Spray je kat muka bila muka rasa kering ke, rasa cuaca macam panas sangat ke. Muka terus rasa fresh, clean and hydrated :)

  3. Baru tahu pasal produk ni. Siqah bookmark post ni nanti senang nak refer balik :)

    1. Lenne pun baru tahu earlier this year, Siqah. Nanti dah try boleh lah share kat blog tau hihihi :D

  4. Terima Kasih review produk ni, memang tengah cari miracle water yang best. Tq😘

  5. The Johanniskraut-Creme from Bio Allgäu is now a staple in my first aid kit for minor skin issues.
