Discovering My Passion: The Beauty Blogging Journey

Discovering My Passion: The Beauty Blogging Journey

Hello, lovely humans. I posted quite a lot of beauty-related posts, hence this is a beauty blog if you didn't notice but I'm pretty sure you did. I just love blogging. I've always loved writing since I was a kid and when I got into makeup and started a blog whatsoever, I just knew I wanted to run a beauty blog. It felt right, right from the start even though beauty blogging can be expensive. You cannot just let your obsessions with beauty products be gone just like that, right?

However, I do question myself a lot at times - is it really for me, though? Is beauty blogging right for me? I do ask myself silly questions like so even though I've done beauty blogging for many years now. Well, actually, it's not that difficult to figure out if beauty blogging is right for me or not.

So, how did I know beauty blogging is really for me?

Well, I have an obsession with beauty products. Meaning with makeup, skincare, nails, hair products, etc. Let's be honest, if you aren't really into buying makeup and you have a very minimal makeup collection or rarely wear it - beauty blogging is not for you, sweetie. Honestly, I'd be still just as obsessed with makeup even if I didn't have a blog. I love shopping for makeup. It makes me happy and excited. I know beauty blogging can be expensive (now I'm just repeating myself) but I never really mind spending lots of cash on beauty products. Btw, ever heard of this quote, "Do more of what makes you happy"? Exactly.

I love sharing my experiences with beauty products. It's a great enjoyment for me to share what I have been loving as well as the ones that didn't work out for me. I feel so accomplished when I give you guys product reviews because a lot of the time they're purchased with my own money. 

Discovering My Passion: The Beauty Blogging Journey

I personally think ideas for beauty content easily come to me rather than the rest. I have come to believe that beauty blogging does trigger some creativity in me. Although it's not much still it does a little. Some people may easily find creativity when they read, so in my case, it's beauty blogging. I think it's nice to see well-rounded content in a blog as well as other beauty-related posts rather than just reviews.

I'm also hoping to become a well-known beauty blogger and turn my hobby into a full-blown career. If this is not something you would want if you have a beauty blog, then what's the point? Well, of course, to a certain extent I want to see my blog grow and turn into something. Whether to turn it into a career and work from home or focus on another job and have it as a part-time thing. Anything would do. But to be quite honest, I still love blogging whether it turns into something or not. I know I'll have this passion in me for a long, long time and the general love of beauty blogging in me just never lacks. 

And that, my friend, wraps up this blog post. I hope you find this a fun and interesting read. Have a wonderful day or night and see you in the next post!

Bloggers, how did you know a certain blogging niche is right for you?


  1. I always enjoy every post you share here :D

  2. I'm fangirling all over your beautiful blog theme again!>_< I'm not sure what my exact niche is when it comes to my own blog. But I'm pretty sure it's something along the line of advice sharing, college stuff and random personal articles pieces. Since I don't have a specific niche yet, I guess it allows me to be random and unpredictable at times. But I do hope I can figure it out soon so I have a better focus on what content to write next. I think it really depends on passion and using the skills and your know-how to make our blog successful.

    1. Awwhh thanks! I love me some random read sometimes and yours definitely one of those blogs I love v much. And yea I agree blogging really depends on one's passion. It really shows on the writing :)

  3. I enjoy reading all of it! I am still wondering what niche for my blog, I am currently write anything I want xD

    1. Thanks for reading babe! Yea it's actually okay if you don't have a niche. It allows you to be random y'know xx

  4. You're definitely born to run a beauty blog as I can see that you love it from your honest reviews. It's from your blog do I find the reviews for beauty products before I buy them.
    I think all of us bloggers have the same dream, to have blogging as a career but I think it's not something easy to achieve. But I love blogging nonetheless and never pressured to generate income from it because writing is a hobby so I'll do it even if it didn't bring me any money. Instead it brings happiness ;)

    1. Awwwhh you're the kindest!

      And you're absolutely right on that hobby part. Blogging has been a hobby for us all from the beginning and still is up to this day. It DOES bring happiness xx
