My Blogging Routine

My Blogging Routine

I've got this routine I follow every time I sit down to blog. It's been my go-to since day one, and you know what? It hasn't changed a bit! Today, I wanted to spill the beans on my blogging routine with all of you. It's nothing too fancy or complicated, just my simple approach that gets the job done for me. Who knows, it might just be the ticket for someone out there too!

Step 1: Planning

It kicks off with a plan! I'm a big fan of planning – it keeps me on track. I'm all about being organized, and honestly, I thrive when things are mapped out. Before I dive into my blog, I take a moment with my trusty blogging notebook. I scribble down what's on my mind, what I want to share. Yep, I'm old-school – I jot things down. But you know what? It totally works for me!

Step 2: Writing

Once I jot down all the details and points, I dive into the writing part! 

But first, tea! Lots and lots of cuppa :)

Anyway, I just prefer getting my thoughts down first before capturing the visuals through photography. Writing a post tends to stretch out because I go through it meticulously, reading and re-reading to catch any spelling or other errors before hitting that 'Publish' button.

I want to be completely happy with what I've created, ensuring the quality gets a thumbs up from me. Once I'm content with the result, I save it as a draft and shift my focus to the visuals and photography.

Step 3: Photography

I snap all my blog pics with my phone—just like you've probably noticed by now. Then, I jazz them up using these awesome apps. Honestly, taking photos is a bit of a rollercoaster for me. It's a blast, super fun, but also a bit tiring, you know? Getting those angles just right is no joke, and don't even get me started on dealing with the weather!

But anyway, once I'm thrilled with how the pics turned out, I pop them onto the post and give them some TLC—adjusting Alt tags and all that good stuff. It's the finishing touch to make sure everything looks just right.

Step 4: Sharing and promoting

I usually like to schedule my blog post around 10 in the morning—no real reason, it just feels right. Once it's out there for a few hours, I will share it on all my social media. My go-to platforms are Instagram and Twitter! 

This is basically how I go about my blogging – it's quite straightforward, I admit. I really look up to those who've got their blog posts all sorted and ready for months ahead. It's just fantastic, so keep doing your thing! Oh, and wishing a warm and blessed Ramadan to all my Muslim friends out there! <3

Do you have a specific blogging routine?