Why You Shouldn’t Trust Viral #SkinTok Recommendations

I can't stay silent anymore. I need to vent.

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Viral #SkinTok Recommendations

Alright, let's talk about it: #SkinTok, the place where skincare dreams are made, or so they say.

I admit, I've been lured into the abyss of TikTok beauty advice more times than I'd like to admit. Every swipe led me deeper into a world of must-have serums, miracle toners, and life-changing cleansers, all promising to revolutionize my skincare routine.

The allure and pitfalls of #SkinTok

TikTok has this magical ability to make every new skincare product seem like the holy grail. Swipe once, and you're bombarded with convincing testimonials and before-and-after shots that promise perfection in a bottle. It's enticing, isn't it? Who wouldn't want clear, radiant skin after seeing all those success stories?

Now, don't get me wrong. TikTok definitely has its perks. But when it comes to skincare, it's like navigating a minefield of trends and recommendations that could either make your skin glow or...

Send it into full-scale rebellion.

My own #SkinTok journey

So there I was, scrolling through my feed, when suddenly, Anua's Heartleaf Pore Control Cleansing Oil started popping up everywhere. I watched at least five videos straight where people couldn't stop raving about it. It was hailed as a game-changer—gentle yet effective, a must-have for every skincare routine. 

The hype was real, my friends.

Run, don't walk, they said.

So, naturally, I caved. I mean, who doesn't love a good cleansing oil, right?

Lo and behold, my skin, which had been peacefully coexisting with my tried-and-true routine for ages, decided to throw a tantrum. Cue the breakout of the century—redness, blemishes, the whole shebang. This is not exactly the glow-up I was promised.

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Viral #SkinTok Recommendations

Why You Shouldn’t Trust Viral #SkinTok Recommendations
Yep, my skin broke out. Badly. 

It's getting better now though—I ditched the Anua cleansing oil for good and went back to one of my favorite cleansing oil that's always been solid! Here I was, messing with a system that had worked for years. I mean, seriously, what was I thinking?

Why it’s okay to doubt the hype

Yeah, I fell for the hype and really wish I hadn't.

Look, I'm not blaming #SkinTok entirely (okay, maybe just a little). The truth is, what worked wonders for someone else's skin doesn't mean it'll have the same effect on yours. What might be a game-changer for one person could be a recipe for disaster for another. 

It's a reminder that those viral recommendations often aren't what they seem—lots of them are just paid promos too. You gotta take everything online with a pinch of salt. It's easy to get swept up in the excitement, but we owe it to ourselves to be cautious.

Navigating the noise

TikTok makes it tempting to jump on every bandwagon that rolls through your feed. Honestly, it makes every bandwagon look like the coolest ride ever, and I don't mean that in a nice way. So I guess before you hit that checkout button, ask yourself: Do I really need this product, or am I just caught up in the hype? Does this brand align with my values, or am I just buying into the algorithm?

As much as I love a good TikTok trend, I've learned that my skin deserves more than impulsive purchases based on viral hype. No more impulse buys based on 60-second testimonials. I'll pause before jumping on trends, and most importantly, appreciate what already works for me instead of taking it for granted. We HAVE the power to opt-out of the trend cycle and avoid disappointment when products don't work for us.

So, will I ever trust a viral #SkinTok recommendation again? I don't know. Maybe not.

*Some links used are affiliated links, which allows me to earn a commission when you buy the product using my link. No commission is earned through clicking links. I'm not being paid to mention any brand in this post. Thank you for supporting the content that makes my blog possible.

Have you ever bought a viral skincare product and regretted it?


  1. I always want to change my skincare brand but am afraid to do so in case breakout. Reading this made me not want to change anymore

    1. Ahh I totally get that! I've been sucked into those tempting TikTok recommendations and trends, only to end up with my skin rebelling against me. It's such a bummer when the 'holy grail' product turns out to be a dud. It's actually a good reminder to stay true to what works for us, not just what's trending :')

  2. It's so easy to get sucked into the hype when you start seeing it everywhere! I love trying new skincare products but still have my tried and true that I've used for years.

    Jill - Doused in Pink

    1. It's so tempting to try all the new stuff, especially when it's everywhere you look. I love experimenting with new skincare too, but my go-to favorites always have a special place in my routine!

  3. Ah this is me with Skintific. Heard so many good reviews about their product but once I started using like three of their products, all hell break loose and I had the worst breakout. Immediately bought my holy grail Kayman serum to fix my skin and thankfully it worked.

    1. Oh no, that's such a bummer! It's always so disappointing when a product doesn't work out, especially after hearing great things about it. I'm glad the serum came to the rescue and fixed everything! Kayman is such an amazing brand through and through! This is such a good reminder to stick with what works and not get too caught up in the hype :')

  4. It is so easy to get sucked into the hype of something, especially through TikTok. I like to use certain brands on my skin as they benefit my skin more, so I don't try new brands too often! Like you said, what may work for others skin may not work for yours, so it's important to be aware of that x

    Lucy Mary

    1. Totally!! TikTok can really hype things up, but sticking to what works for your skin is so important. Sometimes it's all hype without the real benefits. Better safe than sorry!

  5. I'm not on TikTok (!) but I guess the same is true of Facebook and Instagram. I've stuck to the same skincare brand for years now, simply because I trust them and their products work for me. :)

    1. Oh that's so relatable! Sometimes, familiarity just feels right and like why fix what isn't broken, right? :)

    2. That’s the best way to go. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

    3. Totally agree! If something's working perfectly, why mess with it? :')

  6. I'm sorry to hear you had such a bad breakout after trying Anua's! My skincare is very basic so my TikTok algorithm doesn't have much skincare reels but I've definitely had to step back and ask myself if I was falling for another hype product or not. I love reviews (I do them myself!) but it's hard to gauge if someone truly recommends the product or if they're trying to market their affiliate link for commission.

    1. It's so disappointing when a new product doesn't work out. Your TikTok algorithm must be a breath of fresh air compared to mine lol. Reviews are such a mixed bag these days. It's a tough call, you have to trust your instincts!

  7. Another good way to avoid buying skincare products you don’t need is to remember that the market is too oversaturated for everything to be a holy grail. If the secret to easy perfect skin was on TikTok everybody IRL would have it already! This post was very refreshing for me because I have definitely been feeling the temptations to buy more beauty products!

    1. It's so true—TikTok can make every product look like a must-have, but I sometimes forget that everyone's skin is different :') Sticking to what works for us is definitely important! Thank you so much for stopping by <3

  8. I definitely get what you mean. I used to purchase any product if one of my favorite influencers would recommend it to me. I will say though, that there are some products I've gotten over the years that I absolutely love! One of them being the Cosrx Snail mucin serum is so so good! I have purchased this product so many times, because not only does my skin love it, but I also find it to be more affordable compared to some other products I've tried in the past. Great post :) xx

    Melina | www.melinaelisa.com

    1. Ahh it's so tempting to buy everything our fave influencers rave about. The Cosrx Snail Mucin Serum is a gem though! My skin loves it and it's such a steal compared to other pricey products. So glad you enjoyed the post! <3

  9. I bought the same things ! hahahaha

  10. I've certainly fallen victim to influencer recommendations in the past. However, in terms of skincare, I've used the same brand of cleanser for nearly nine years and I'm still going strong! If I do decide to switch it up in the future, mind, I'll be sure to avoid a viral #SkinTok recommendation. Thank you for such a helpful post. ❤️

    Intentional Lucie | intentionallucie.com

  11. This is such a good point! Everyone's skin & related physiology is different so it is essentially impossible to recommend a one-size-fits-all skincare item. I've found that it's definitely a good idea to take most things from TikTok with a grain of salt, haha.



