My 2016 in Alphabetical Order

Hey everyone! Wishing you all a super happy new year! Hope you all had an awesome time wherever you are. Let's cross our fingers that 2017 turns out to be great. I'm feeling so laid back right now, just wanna kick back and relax. Wasn't really planning on writing or posting anything today, but hey, here I am! So, let's just go with it!

My 2016 in Alphabetical Order

A | Ampoule. It's a skincare thing I found in 2016. Honestly, I'm not sure it's doing much for my skin yet, but maybe in the long run? Who knows. #PrayForMySkin

B | Breathe. Whether I'm mad, sad, or anxious, breathing helps me get my shit together. I just inhale and exhale slowly, and I'm good.

C | Corn in a cup. The best snack ever, especially for sweater weather.

D | "Dang gurl". I say this all the time, seriously. It's WILD.

E | Eyebrows. I might not have the best tools, but I still get my eyebrows on fleek every time. You really don't need much to make it happen :)

F | Face masks. I'm obsessed with face masks! It's officially a staple in my skincare routine.

G | Google. Google's like my best friend. I'm usually too lazy to Google stuff, but 2016 made me do it a lot. #UniStuff

H | Hash browns. I fell in love with hash browns all over again after not eating them for a few years. McDonald's hash browns are actually so good.

I | Ignore. I've started to ignore negative vibes, whether on my blog or in real life. It's just not worth the time.

J | Jealousy. I used to get jealous of other people's success, but in 2016, I learned to be grateful and not beat myself up for not being as successful. I learned from the best. 

K | Kylie Jenner. It might sound funny, but I actually have Kylie Jenner on my vision board. I want to be as successful as she is. I know she's not the perfect role model, but I can't help but admire her achievements. And she's so young too!

L | Lectures. I'm sick of them, but I really want to be educated.

M | Maybelline. One of my favorite drugstore brands. I found so many great products last year even though I'm broke. I didn't get a chance to share them here because my schedule is packed and I have a lot of drafts to edit, so bear with me.

N | Nailed it. My presentations. I hate how my uni has so many presentations every week, but I'm glad I nailed every single one.

O | Opportunity. I'm so blessed and thankful for 2016 as it opened up a lot of opportunities for me to grab. I feel different but in a good way.
My 2016 in Alphabetical Order

P | Planning. Planning is everything, seriously! It's not just for life but for my blog too. I've been scheduling posts a little too much in 2016, and let me tell you, it totally amps up your blog game. Planning which post goes up first? Crucial.

Q | Quizzes. Especially online ones, they make me so nervous. Can we just ditch them altogether? 

R | Rain. Oh how I wish we had more of it! But then again, that might mess with everyone's photography plans, haha. Still, count me in as a rain lover!

S | Sales. Sales? Meh. Being perpetually broke doesn't exactly make me jump at the word. Maybe it's a sign to start saving? Or maybe it's just life being life. Who knows, right?

T | Talk. Talking it out is key, girl. No matter what's going on in a relationship, we gotta communicate. None of that leaving things hanging nonsense. It's 2017, time to adult up!

U | Unwrapping packages. Opening packages is like Christmas morning every time. Who doesn't love it? I've always wanted to do a blog post where we unbox stuff together, but it's never happened.

V | Vanilla. Vanilla is the bomb. End of story. It's my absolute favorite scent, no contest.

W | Wedding planning. Yeah. NO.

X | Xmas! Xmas break from uni is a blessing! Seven whole days to binge-watch Christmas movies and all those old classics? Count me in! Plus, I love how chilly it gets outside during the holidays.

Y | Young at heart. Young at heart, that's me. I might be turning 21 soon, but I still act like I'm younger sometimes. Not childish, just playful, you know? There's a difference.

Z | Zzz. Obviously, I can't think of any words lol. But seriously, that's what I live for. Sleeping in every day? Sign me up! I know it might sound lazy, but hey, a girl's gotta get her beauty rest, right?

That's that. I hope you enjoy it and make a version of yours! Have a good one and till then x.


  1. I am still thinking i am young too. But look at my age! Everyday i am telling myself when la i nak grow up. 😂 sorry but not sorry, i want to look and feel younger everyday.

    1. haha still young kan but already got plans for marriage etc. ahh the irony lol.

      you still look younger than your age, IMO! i'm so jealous of you 😄

  2. hahahah this is very creative! happy new year, Lenne :)

  3. wahhh, this is so cool. :D
    i also hate online quizzes, especially when in class T^T (bcoz, sometimes, the server is down and certain candidates will fail to submit their answers on time. XD)


    happy new year 2017! :)

    1. kan? it's so stressful haha. happy new year too BV! 😊

  4. Oh my dear . This is a creative post . Nice.

    Part wedding planning , since in university time nadia dah ada wedding planning, konon nak baju mcm mana , wedding planner sapa , etc. Padahal time tue boyfriend pun tak ada berangan je . But , i think it's good . Just a planning right ? Hihihi

    Nway, happy new year , Lenne 😍

    1. bloglovin is the answer! i was scrolling my bloglovin dashboard and i saw a post like this 😃

      haha baru plan je. and i adalah buat saving sikit sikit hehe. happy new year to you too! 😘

  5. I keep thinking to myself, "where have you heard the words ampoule?" but then I realized I heard it from serum.. xD
    Anyways, I'm with you regarding the rains.. Why bother for a hot day when rain could comfort you the most? XD

    1. it's stated on the bottle haha.

      yasss i don't understand people who hate rain. it's just better when it rains 😄

  6. This is so creative! Love reading yours. Happy new year, Lenne 😊

    1. make a version of yours then! i would love to read it too 😄 anyway, happy new year too Syaza x

  7. dang gurl is your favourite lol. i'm planning my wedding too tapi tu lah, seru tak sampai lagi nak kawin hahah! xx

    1. i said it almost everyday and tak kisah i'm talking to siapa pun be it lelaki or perempuan, mesti that word terkeluar jugak 😂

      i rasa this year lah seru you sampai erin haha x

  8. loved this ! when u said that u r planning for a wedding , i'm thinking to do the same as well hhe

    1. yes anis! that's the spirit lol remember, planning is the key 😂

  9. I am forever 21 soul trapped in an old body

  10. i m a biggest fan of face mask too :)

    happy new year lenne :)

    1. best pakai kan!? hehe rasa fresh and hydrated je :)

      btw, happy new year too xx

  11. kreatifnya lenne buat entri mcm ni! suka busyra baca. <3

    1. bloglovin is my source of inspirations! busyra pun boleh buat :)

